Messy Church
Join us on the 4th Sunday of the month at 3pm in the church (followed by the church hall) for our Messy Church. This is an opportunity for families to meet together to share a short Bible story, a song and a prayer, followed by crafts and games and some delicious party food. You are very welcome to join this community.
The playgroup meets in Huxley Primary School on Friday mornings in term-time. It is for children and their carers. We enjoy some playtime, messy play, stories and songs with refreshments and snacks. For more information please call 07342 135806.
If you would like your child to be baptised, please contact us. Hargrave and Huxley is a small community and we only have a few baptisms a year. We hope we can work with you to provide a lovely expererience for your family as we welcome your child into the family of the Church. Many of the families who come for baptism continue to be involved in our small church community through our Messy Church or those who are further afield often stay in touch and visit us on special occasions.
Huxley Primary School
We work closely with our gem of a local primary school, which truly is a special place. If you are lookinng for a loving, caring environment for your child, then at Huxley, they can fly.